Attendee Registration Form

Please complete the registration form below in order to register as an attending student at Mokopane Matric Rewrite Center.

If any serious sicknesses, please explain briefly.
Examination number on your statement of the last time you sat as a full time matric student.

Emergency Contact Person Details

Available Programmes and Fees

Amended - 6 Months Contract
Supplementary - 6 Moths Contact
MEO - 6 Months Contract
(Note: All fees must be paid in full by the 3rd of May in order to receive your examination time table)
Repeat - 11 Months Contract
(Note: All fees must be paid in full by the 3rd of Oct in order to receive your examination time table)
(Please Note: With the 5 Subject option Only, a 6th Subject can be added for free)

Please select a minimum of 1 subject and a maximum of 6 subjects
*N/A for Amended Programme
Boarding Fee: R1850 p/m
(Please Note: All fees must be paid in full by the 3rd day of the second last month of the contract in order to receive your examination time table)

Person Responsible for the Account

Details of the next of kin of the account payer

Student Portal Sign Up

Use an email address which you have access to, as we will be using this to communicate with you to complete the registration process.
Please create a memorable password which would be used to log into your student portal